Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Evanston

We provide the latest in technology and our team of experts take pride in helping our patients with care.
Erectile dysfunction is a far-reaching experience associated with difficulty in sustaining an erection and is relatively said to have its impact on men and prevails frequently with the advancement of age above 65, but can occur at any age. Erectile dysfunction consistently has a remarkable influence on male ego as well as on his self respect as the penis becomes impotent due to which performing sexual relation or mating is unfeasible which also has an adverse effect on the sex life of co-partner.

Men may also notice exceptional orgasms whereby the capacity of ejaculation is reduced as well as the recovery time between erections increases.

Inadequacy in achieving an erection for sexual intercourse and the inability for sustaining an erection are the two major factors of erectile dysfunction. In some cases it has also been examined that despite of men being able to produce an erection, their penis require sufficient amount of blood for persistent and long –lasting action.

Inadequacy in achieving an erection for sexual intercourse and the inability for sustaining an erection are the two major factors of erectile dysfunction. In some cases it has also been examined that despite of men being able to produce an erection, their penis require sufficient amount of blood for persistent and long –lasting action.

There are various options available from medications and simple mechanical devices to surgery as well as psychological counseling for treating erectile dysfunction.

The erectile dysfunction caused due to psychological problem such as performance anxiety, guilt, depression or fear of failure is treated with extra care which can be treated with the help of oral medicines such as sildenafil (Viagra) that stimulate erection or with the help of injections like papaverine or alprostadil which are injected into the penis.

In some cases surgery may also be advised to correct erectile dysfunction caused due to vascular blockages. Cases wherein the medicinal response is poor, gadgets like vacuum devices or the insertion of implants into the penis by an operation is executed.

Vascular diseases obstruct healthy blood flow, causing the condition known as vascular insufficiency such as diabetes, hypertension and high blood cholesterol, cardiac diseases, smoking or chewing tobacco. However, it is very essential to consult a physician before using these medications as it may worsen the condition.

The Priapus Shot – the male enhancement shot for men employs application of specialized proteins and growth factors extricated from one’s own blood for repairing and opening blood vessels for increasing the flow of blood which is frequently termed as ‘PRP’ which restores the output of new cells as well as tissues in order to improve the ability of getting an erection.

There are various options available from medications and simple mechanical devices to surgery as well as psychological counseling for treating erectile dysfunction.

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