Migraine Headaches

We provide the latest in technology and our team of experts take pride in helping our patients with care.
Migraines are among the most difficult conditions to treat. A migraine attack can be triggered by many different physical and emotional factors. Even hormonal fluctuations can trigger migraines. It’s hard to manage your life around a debilitating occurrence that comes on without warning. This is why the team at Medical Bliss is focused on providing migraine natural treatment Chicago residents can use to improve their lives.

Getting Help for Migraines

Unfortunately, many patients feel easily dismissed when attempting to get help for migraines from their primary care doctors. Few physicians are interested in the deep investigative work required when getting to the bottom of migraines. Worse, many attempts to treat migraines like “normal” headaches. Functional medicine isn’t satisfied with just finding ways to manage migraine pain temporarily. At Bliss Medicine, we specialize in migraine treatments that cut the issue off at its source instead of waiting until you’re debilitated by a migraine.

What Causes Migraines?

The medical community still doesn’t know the complete reason behind migraines. However, we do know a lot about triggers. One of the first things we’ll do when you visit our office is to discuss any health issues or life events that could be behind your migraines. Here’s a look at some common migraine triggers:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Shock.
  • Tiredness or lack of sleep.
  • Low blood sugar.
  • Food sensitivity.
  • Medications.
  • Environmental conditions.

We know that links can be recognized between migraines and certain additives. Research shows that the additive tyramine actually impacts the central nervous system in a way that appears to trigger migraines. The list of popular foods that contain tyramine includes aged cheeses, cured meats, smoked fish and some beer varieties. We also know that high-protein foods can contain elevated levels of tyramine if they are stored for long periods.

Migraine triggers are difficult to pin down. What triggers your migraine may not be what triggers another person’s migraine. This is why holistic migraine treatment requires a patient-specific approach.

Migraines With Auras

We often see patients who are concerned about their physical and mental health because they’re experiencing migraines that are preceded by auras. You may have experienced one without fully understanding what was happening. Here are the telltale signs of a migraine aura:

  • Lines in your visual field.
  • Perceptions of flashing or sparkling lights.
  • A pins-and-needles feeling in your extremities.
  • Stiff shoulder or neck.
  • Unpleasant smells.
  • A reduced ability to speak.
  • Blind spots or patchy vision.

You might experience one or several of these sensations when an aura hits. A migraine with an aura can be a very jarring experience. Many patients describe it as stepping in front of a camera with an extremely bright flash.

Migraine Frequency

You may be suffering from chronic migraines if you experience attacks at least 15 days on average out of the month. Migraines can occur anywhere from once a decade to once a month. Some of our patients seek help for migraine symptoms that are experienced in relation to the menstrual cycle. The frequency and timing of your migraine could serve as clues for determining if the cause is tied to something hormonal or environmental.

How We Treat Migraines Using Functional Medicine

Functional medicine pieces together the story of each migraine to identify potential triggers. We’ll look at things like your health history, diet, lifestyle habits, environment, and stress levels while exploring possible triggers. It’s important to test for a food allergy or sensitivity to rule out dietary triggers.


We’ll explore any vitamin or nutritional deficiencies that could be leaving you vulnerable to migraines. Research shows that identifying and restricting migraine-triggering foods is an effective and reliable method for reducing migraine attacks. If necessary, we can instruct you on how to do an elimination diet.

Keeping Track of Symptoms

We sometimes ask patients suffering from chronic migraine attacks to keep diaries detailing their symptoms. This is often helpful in piecing together the events that precede migraines. Behavior modification can sometimes help to reduce migraine activity. In addition, it’s possible that supplementation could be effective for balancing the body.

Treat Your Migraine Naturally Through Whole-Body Wellness

At Bliss Medicine, we see migraine as a whole-body problem instead of a “head” problem. We help our patients discover the cause-and-effect patterns that could be responsible for migraines. Our testing and diagnostic tools look at the whole picture. Reach out today to meet a migraine specialist Chicago residents can work with to diagnose and treat migraines.


What Does a Migraine Feel Like?

People experience migraines in different ways. Generally, you’ll experience severe pain on one side of the head. There is often a radiating or pulsing sensation.

Is Nausea a Sign of a Migraine?

We sometimes ask patients suffering from chronic migraine attacks to keep diaries detailing their symptoms. This is often helpful in piecing together the events that precede migraines. Behavior modification can sometimes help to reduce migraine activity. In addition, it’s possible that supplementation could be effective for balancing the body.

How Long Does a Migraine Last?

A migraine can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Can You Still Function During a Migraine?

Many people are unable to carry out daily activities during migraine attacks. You should avoid activities like driving, swimming or handling machinery during a migraine attack because reduced vision could make some tasks dangerous.

Do Both Men and Women Get Migraines?

Yes, both men and women get migraines. Women appear to suffer from migraines at higher rates.

Is a Migraine Different From a Headache?

A migraine is classified as a headache disorder. Migraines are much more intense than classic headaches. It is the intensity and variety of migraine symptoms that make this disorder more debilitating than classic headaches.

Is It Possible to Treat Migraines Naturally?

Functional Medicine is used to treat migraines using a whole-body approach. Treating things like food allergies or nutritional deficiencies could help to stop migraine triggers. Many other options exist if the cause is not dietary.
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